Do you have a plan? A plan for what you may ask? For the care you want to receive at the end of your life. This is certainly a topic not a lot of people want to speak about. It is a topic even harder to address with the people you love. There are many reasons to make these arrangements. If you are like me, you want a say in how things should be in all aspects of your life including death. What does end of life planning entail?
'It’s About How You LIVE' is a national community engagement campaign encouraging individuals to make informed decisions about end-of-life care and services. The campaign encourages people to:
Learn about options for end-of-life services and care
Implement plans to ensure wishes are honored
Voice decisions to family, friends and health care providers
Engage in personal or community efforts to improve end-of-life care
April 16, 2021 is National Healthcare Decisions Day. The following link is very informative to make sense of the language involved in end of life planning, a course of action and even perhaps bringing up the conversation with a loved one.
