Alcohol Awareness Month – April 2021
“POP A TOP AGAIN “…. (Alan Jackson) and “RED SOLO CUP” …. (Toby Keith) are two great songs to listen to as you sit around the fire with friends making smores and having a few beers. Grab a cold one after mowing the lawn or pulling the weeds out of the garden in 96-degree weather. Refreshing cold beer in the hand as you sit at poolside. This all sounds good…. hmmm… “hold my beer, I will be right back”. Ok, I am back. Took a quick dip in the pool! Planning a road trip to the dam tomorrow with a bunch of friends. The weather is to be 98 degrees and full sun! Need to pack up the cooler with plenty of ice and don’t forget the beer. Yes, this all sounds like a good time and it can be or it could get out of control.
Alcohol can and has ruined relationships with family and friends. Divorces, financial issues, violence, drownings, unintentional injuries, motor vehicle accidents and even death has been contributed to alcohol consumption.
Adults of legal age can choose to consume alcohol in moderation maintaining safety measures.
Excessive alcohol use is responsible for approximately 95,000 deaths in the United States each year per the CDC data. Stay informed, think smart and reach out for help if you or a loved one are struggling with safe alcohol consumption.
